
The club rules are set out within a documented constitution. This includes the appointment and duties of the Management Committee, the acceptance, and rights of Members, and the financial management arrangements.

An Annual General Meeting is held each year at which members are invited to consider and approve the annual accounts and to elect the key office-bearers.

The affairs of the club are overseen by a Management Committee of not more than 12 elected members.

The office bearers elected for the 12 months ending 31 July 2024 are:

Chairman:  Laurie Dempster 
Vice Chairman:  Mike McDiarmid
Secretary:  Bill Bruce 
Treasurer: Adrian Ewer
Coach:  Neil Young
Club Captain:  Ed Munt
Youth Rugby Convenor: Dougie Woodrow  
Membership Secretary: Phil Morrice
Ladies Representative and Youth Development Officer:  Eilidh Paterson  
Child Protection Officer: Ross Dempster
Players Representative:  Scott Butters
Players Representative:  Ru Johnstone  
Public relations:  Gregor Ross
Fixtures Secretary:  Nick Radford
Ground Convenor: Alistair Henderson